What is the door opening signal of medical automat
[Abstract]: the opening signal of medical automatic cleaning door is the contact signal. Microwave radar and infrared sensor are two common signal sources. Microwave radar is a response to the displacement of objects, so it has a fast response speed. It is suitable for the places where people with normal walking speed pass through. Its characteristic is that once the personnel near the door do not want to go out and stay still, the radar will no longer respond, The automatic cleaning door will be closed, which has a certain protective effect on the door machine. The disadvantage is that the reaction speed of the infrared sensor is slow, which is suitable for the places where there are slow moving personnel. |
9999js金沙老品牌: The door opening signal of medical automatic cleaning door is contact signal. Microwave radar and infrared sensor are two common signal sources: microwave radar is the displacement response of objects, so the reaction speed is fast. It is suitable for the places where people with normal walking speed pass through. Once the personnel near the door do not want to go out and stay still, the radar will no longer react and automatically clean the door It will be closed, which has a certain protective effect on the gantry crane. The disadvantage is that the reaction speed of the infrared sensor is slow, which is suitable for the places where there are slow moving personnel.
In addition, if the medical automatic cleaning door receives the contact signal for a long time, the controller will think that the signal input system is blocked. Because microwave radar and infrared sensors don't know whether people approaching the automatic cleaning door really want to enter the door, they prefer to use the key switch in some occasions. The key switch can be a contact type button, more convenient is the so-called elbow touch switch. Elbow switch is very durable, especially it can be operated with elbow. Hand contact is avoided.
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